Do you have to register a scooter if you have never used it?

by Jason
(Ithaca, NY)

I bought a scooter online and never got it registered. I have the title for the bike, am moving home from college and am trying to sell it. Can I sell it and sign over the title without going to the DMV to register it? If not, what do I need to do to get rid of this thing smoothly? I live in NY

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May 18, 2011
Need to Register Scooter?
by: Pikachu

This all depends if you want to have a "title" issued from your state. If or when you resell your scooter it would help to have a "state issued" title.

When I first attempted to register my Bashan (Chinese) 150cc scooter the original owner never registered it. The process was very time consuming and could have been entirely avoided. The solution was for the original owner to go to the DMV and both signing the "ownership document" provided by the scooter company. The DMV then sent the vehicle title to the original owner. He then received the title and mailed it to me. This was AFTER he had moved out of state to Florida.

Long story short, the time from when I bought the scooter from my friend to when I received legal title to the scooter was a little over five weeks. It is VERY important to get a title from your state when you decide to sell your scooter to its next owner.

All you need to get a title in your state is pay the sales tax through the DMV. You may not have to register your scooter. The original owner JUST paid the sales tax. Getting the title may not require you registering your scooter.

Apr 15, 2011
California Nonoperational Requirements
by: Artist Bob

In the great state of California the Vehicle Registration Renewal notice has a "Planned Nonoperation" section printed on it. It states "If you plan not to operate (PNO) this vehicle, please check the box and return the bottom part with your PNO payment." The PNO payment for my 2009 150cc scooter would be $18.00 if paid before 6/12/2011. There would be added "Late Payment Fees" assessed monthly until October. After the October date A full operational fee would be charged with no opportunity to claim nonoperation. The regular yearly operational fee for my scooter this year was $104. Your State of residense may have a different process, but I feel that every state wants all street legal vehicles registered. Check your State DMV.

Apr 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

You do not have to register it. Give all paper work to the new owner.

Apr 14, 2011
Check with DMV
by: JIm Zeiser

New York cab be pretty sticky about paperwork so I would go to DMV and ask. I assume you have the MCO but didn't register it with the motor vehicle. As I recall there are other columns on the MCO under the original company's name assigning it to you. In a perfect world you would just have to use those lines to assign it to the next person. With DMV they could get stuffy and make you register it, wait for the title to show up and give that title to the next person. I would ask and see what they say.

Apr 14, 2011
Probably not?
by: Kathi, Site Owner

Jason... I'm really talking out of my butt here, as I think this is such a specialized situation, you're going to need to call the DMV to get the right answer, BUT... I don't think scooters have to be registered unless you're taking them on the road.

Anyone else able to shed some light on this situation?

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A battery tender like the Battery Tender Jr. can make all the difference in whether your scooter will start right up each spring, after being stored for months.

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